One Music Box Play All of Your Favorites: Set the length and number of songs as you wish!
With the exclusive Muro Box app, you can search for songs, edit playlists, and create new melodies to send directly to the music box for live performance. Finally, your dream of playing a complete custom repertoire on a music box can come true!
The Muro Box-N40 music box expands its range to 40 notes, including black-key semitones, letting you store all your favorite theme songs of cherished memories!
More Compatible Free Melodies Export from Music Box Maniacs
Support more tracks to be exported from Music Box Maniacs ( MBM ) to Muro Box-N40 for free!
The rich music collection made by global music box fans can be imported to your Muro Box App simply by scanning the QR code of the melody you like!
![The Muro Box App has now integrated with the world’s largest music box enthusiast community, Music Box Maniacs (MBM). This integration expands the app's music library, allowing users to import tracks from MBM into the application.](
N40 Widens Music Range to Break the Limitation for Music Arrangement
The N40 music range covers 40 notes from F2 to C6. (Middle C = C3 = 261.6 Hz)
The music range spans nearly 4 octaves, providing you with more varieties in arranging your own accompaniment and melody.
▲The above video is a simulation of the tone and not an actual recording of the N40 music box’s sound. The focus of this video is to demonstrate how the expansion of the N40’s range enhances the variability in arrangement techniques.