We upload the music box playlist based on your request!
Let the bespoke music box speak for your heart
with customized melodies and create more shared memories!
We upload the music box playlist based on your request!
Let the bespoke music box speak for your heart with customized melodies and create more shared memories!
If you have paid for “we upload the whole playlist for you” service, we will upload your assigned playlist before shipping your music box.
(One unit of Muro Box-N20 can only use 1 time of service for uploading 10 melodies based on the sequence you like.)
When the gift receiver unboxes this music box for the first time, he/she does not need to operate our app. Just simply plug in the power cord and then press the knob, the music box will start playing your playlist right away!
(If you did not pay for this add-on service, there will still be 30 free classical melodies in our default offline playlist.)
Now, let’s follow the 5 steps below to start choosing your own melodies for the offline playlist!
1.Download Muro Box App (Free)
▼Go to the App Store or Google Play on your phone, search “Muro Box” to download it.

2. Create Your Account
▼When you open this app, you can use one of the following methods to create a new account: email login/ Facebook login/ Google login/ Apple ID login.
*We do not recommend using the trial test user account to login for selecting your songs because this test user account’s data will be cleaned after 24 hours of trial.

3. Pick the songs you want to present in this playlist
▼You can browse and listen to various famous songs created by our global customers.

▼You can enter a singer’s name or a song title to search for a melody in our app music library.

▼After the keyword search finds results, you can click on each result to listen to it on our app.

▼Attention: the number (15, 20, 40) stands for the music range to indicate which scale of music box can play this song completely.
For example, a N40 music box can play melodies arranged in 40 notes, 30 notes, 20 notes, and 15 notes.
However, a N20 music box can only play melodies arranged in 20 or 15 notes.

4.Edit Playlist
▼Please click the “+” sign to add the song you like into your new playlist, and you need to rename this playlist.

▼You can upload your own cover image to present your creativity for this personalized playlist.
*You can decide whether to make this playlist viewable for other app users.
Our default setting is to keep it private, and only when you change it, then this playlist will become public.

▼After you select the 1~10 melodies to present in this playlist, you can drag and pull each song to adjust its sequence in this playlist.
(We use your final arrangement’s sequence to upload this playlist for you before your music box is shipped.)

5.Confirm the Playlist Content
After you pay for this add-on service in our store, we will ask you to submit your playlist’s melody choice via this form.
We will find your playlist via our app library’s server and preload this playlist based on the sequence you arranged on the app before shipping your Muro Box.
When the gift receiver unboxes this Muro Box (music box) for the first time, he/she just needs to insert a power cord and then press the knob to start enjoying the live music box performance of the songs you selected.
Do you want this unique personalized gift?
Let’s See How Others Use the Muro Box Playing Custom Songs for Their Loved Ones!
The Music Can Speak for Your Heart Better than Words!
We have more than 50 K melodies available in our app library !
Select the songs he/she loves to tell him/her that I know your taste!

See How Our Customers Preserve Their Precious Memories
My dad purchased the Muro Box for me as a wedding present for my wedding in June 2019. The Muro Box came ready to play “You’ll Be in My Heart” by Phil Collins, our special song since I was a little girl. He would always play Phil Collins’ CD in the car; my dad, sister, and I would sing along, driving with the windows down in the summertime. We had every word memorized!
Bruno.A. (US)
Muro Box, the engraved image and the music composition are all part of a “thank you” note to my family (especially my wife). Me and my wife have been together for almost 15 years now and during this time we went through major life changes. No matter what was happening, she was always by my side.
In recent years, we had a new baby (the smaller one pictured in the engraving) and as soon as he was born we learned that he had to have an emergency surgery. He was so small and we were all very worried, my wife even more so, but in the end everything was fine and now he is this amazing happy toddler.
I guess I do have a lot to be thankful about. Specifically about the chosen image, it depicts myself, my wife (Solange), my older child (Eduardo) and the younger one (Artthur).
Let’s Pick the Music Box Melodies for the Significant Other!
Check out what melodies are already available in our app library to save into your playlist. Let’s download the Muro Box for free now!