Private: N20 Lite Battery Introduction and Kickstarter Campaign Pre-Launch Voucher.

【Muro Box-N20 Lite電池板】釋出,眾所期盼的電池套件,徹底擺脫討厭的電線!我們推出比早鳥更早的【3倍券】超級優惠,預計10月份在挖貝群眾集資平台正式展開 N40 集資專案這最後一哩路,感謝有你!

Kickstarter Campaign Pre-Launch Voucher is available for purchase now!
The voucher can be applied to your pledge for a N40 product or a N20 Lite Battery version!

In addition to the 2 Muro Box N40 models, we will introduce the N20 Lite Battery Version in the same Kickstarter campaign!

Let’s learn more about the new models and their difference:

【Muro Box-N20 Lite Battery Version】
This new model is designed for users who love to travel with the Muro Box or want to present a special gift for someone.

The functions are the same with our classic N20 Lite model, but we get rid of its annoying power cord!

The app functions will be the same no matter which model of Muro Box you use.

**10k+ melodies to choose in the app library!
** Add-on services: customized music arrangement and engraving to craft a personalized music box!

If you don’t have the need to connect the music box to a MIDI keyboard or laptop when arranging your own music, the most cost-effective N20 Lite battery version can already fulfill your dream of “using a mechanical music box to play all your cherished memories!”

【More about the Voucher】
To thank you for your super early support for our Kickstarter campaign by purchasing our store’ voucher before our Kickstarter campaign officially starts, we will automatically waive your shipping fee and use DHL to ship your order!

The DHL shipping for 1 Muro Box N40 or N20 Lite Battery is worth 90 USD because of their large size for international shipping.

One voucher is applicable to one Muro Box, no matter which model you choose during our Kickstarter campaign!

The launch date of our Kickstarter campaign is coming this October (2023)! Please stay tuned for our email updates!

Picture of Muro Box Global

Muro Box Global

We invented the music box that can play your own memories. We hope the music box will become each family’s heirloom to preserve their own unique memories.

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