I will make more songs with the Muro Box for my wife!

Mr. Wang's hobby was to arrange music with paper strips for his hand-cranked music boxes. When he purchased a Muro Box music box and arranged music with the Muro Box APP, instantly saved a lot of time and effort rather than punching repeatedly on the paper strips like he did in the past. He is now able to have more time to spend with his wife and enjoy the music that he arranged for the Muro Box music box to play for them.

“I will make more songs with the Muro Box for my wife!” Mr. Wang said.
“Hand-Made” is how Mr. Wang expressed his love for his wife. He has made purses, wallets, and even melodies!
Mr. Wang wanted to invest time in programming the paper-strip music box because of his desire to play meaningful and beautiful melodies for his wife.
After he met the Muro Box, he was surprised by how much time and effort he could have saved in programming music box melodies. Now, he does not need to waste time in marking notations on paper strips, checking each note’s location, and punching holes on the paper strips. Then, he can save more time for chatting with his dear wife and dining together with their favorite songs playing from the Muro Box!
He told us that Muro Box is not simply a music box. “It is more like a small piano player, and I highly recommend it to everyone!”
Let’s see how Mr. Wang programmed many songs for his dear wife with music boxes in his story, and you can listen to many videos he shared:

Picture of Muro Box Global

Muro Box Global

We invented the music box that can play your own memories. We hope the music box will become each family’s heirloom to preserve their own unique memories.

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