Muro Box-N40音樂盒去哪邊買?
  1. 我们目前在中国台湾与中国香港有合作展售店,请填写问卷让我们安排导览音乐盒的时间。
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轻松八音盒换歌,让机械式音乐盒演奏所有歌曲!雷射雕刻,订制歌曲,为您所爱的人演奏你的专属回忆!用APP在手机和平板轻点几下就能创作专属回忆乐曲,连接 MIDI 键盘与电脑,把八音盒当作乐器弹奏就是这么简单。

US $425US $440

为了独一无二的礼物四处寻觅?带着你亲自组装200多个零件,订制雷雕编曲,亲手做出一台Muro Box!沉浸体验八音盒的机械工艺,发挥您的创意,这份礼物将有无价的心意。告白求婚,结婚周年,生日/成年贺礼,情人节与父/母亲节,退休贺礼等重要时刻的送礼首选。

US $40US $495


如果您没有连接 MIDI 设备的需求,则 Lite 版本就已经可以满足您的需求,用一台机械式八音盒演奏你所有珍藏乐曲,轻松体验到喜欢的音乐盒旋律。不但能听别人分享的歌,更可以用APP自行创作八音盒歌曲,让 Muro Box 成为你的八音盒版的 Spotify …

US $335

【您世界唯一的智慧音乐盒】 我们提供客制化雷雕服务,让您把送礼给家人/爱人的心意写在Muro Box智慧音乐盒上!这是属于你们,世界独一无二的音乐盒。 尽情发挥您的创意。无论是祝福的话语,还是两人相爱的印记,您只需提供文字和图档给我们排版,就可以雷雕到您专属的…

US $30US $60

此为20音版的智慧音乐盒(Muro Box N20)专用的共鸣箱(Resonance Box)。因为考量到目前智慧音乐盒本身在一般家庭演奏时的音量已足够大声,所以其设计是以丰富尾韵效果为主要考虑,并非只是放大音量。 共鸣箱的上层面板与底部背板都选用小斑马木(Z…

US $150

【演奏你的专属回忆】 你希望找编曲师帮您客制化编曲放到音乐盒演奏吗? 我们有专业编曲师协助您实现用音乐盒演奏专属回忆乐曲的梦想! 【歌曲长度由你决定】 价格为一首编曲两分钟的长度。请选择题供选曲用的音乐试听档案,并标出您喜欢的歌曲段落,我们将会为您制作音乐盒使…

US $1US $40

本商品是订制曲目的传统音乐盒机芯。机芯为三协(Sankyo)品牌,由中国台湾协樱生产的客制化传统18或是23音八音盒机芯。 协樱精密工业是Sankyo的指定代工厂商,生产与设计音乐铃机芯已经有40年的历史。市面上的迷你音乐铃机芯就是由协樱设计与专利生产的产品。…

US $917US $1,650

Based on 49 reviews

我使用了這個音樂盒多年, 很深刻的體會到這個發明的神奇力量!
這個音樂盒不但能成為家裏的報時工具和鬧鐘, 更是療癒人心靈的魔法盒子。 這個音樂盒所發出的溫柔悅耳聲音, 能夠舒緩抑鬱時候的負面情緒, 能吧我從負面情緒中帶出來, 沉浸在美妙的音樂聲中! 整間屋也充滿着療癒的旋律。 我能讓他播放令我感受到勵志和充滿希望的音符, 令到生命充滿力量。
如果大家有興趣, 可以了解一下這公司創業的勵志故事, 而這個精神也可以絕對在這個音樂盒的售後服務當中體會到!
我是香港的使用者, 我用了N20多年之後出了一些小毛病, 真的擔心不知如何修復, 我聯絡了Muro box, 他們不但很細心的教我們排除故障, 更了解到使用者對音樂盒的使用習慣和需要。 他們知道我有些情緒病很喜歡聽這個音樂盒, 他們不但很細心教我如何把音樂盒寄回, 更得快把音樂盒修理好再寄給我讓我可以快一些使用! 我真的充分感受到這家公司的窩心和理念!
實在太奇妙的體驗了! 絕對值得推薦擁有!

Amazing invention

I enjoy listening to the music boxes built a century ago and am amazed at how they used technologies of primarily clock building to make music boxes. Of course, they were limited to one or several turns per cylinder. The idea that someone could invent a music box capable of being programmed to play an unlimited number of tunes was a real "out-of-the-box" experience. I enjoy being able to listen to many tunes in a small device with the ease of wireless communication. An amazing invention.

very innovative and a lot fun

I bought it as a gift for my wife. She liked it much as I did. It's very special. Running very well, reliable.





編曲師劉虹吟很有耐性地聆聽我的需要, 真的把我想要的求婚/結婚音樂由幻想製造成現實, 她會耐性理解我的需求而去改進曲子令我達到一個非常滿意的水平。歌曲很流暢。


My purchase was meant for Fung Shui setting, but after received Muro Box, I realized the melodies created a soothing surrounding that was awe for meditation. The curated playlist listed in Muro App made lots of sense and well organized, which just click and play. Trouble free and a solid build product. Well done, loving it… 🥰

Fantastic Product!

I got this for my wife and she was so surprised and happy to receive this gift! She loves that she can play from a library of songs. More importantly, she was able to hear a tune that her grandfather used to sing to her when she was a baby but could not be found on any normal music box. The craftsmanship is excellent and we are big fans!

Payment and shipment was quick and effortless. The Murobox team personally answered emails and interacted with me throughout the process. A great purchasing and gift-giving experience! Do not miss this chance to own a truly unique item that is sentimental and modern.


Thank you

Musical Brilliance Unveiled in Alchemelic Project

We recently collaborated with the exceptionally talented Hung-Yin Liu, and we are thrilled to share our experience. Hung-Yin's dedication and artistry have added a unique and remarkable touch to our project, Alchemelic.

Hung-Yin's commitment to excellence and the quality of her artistry are evident in every note and composition. We sincerely appreciate her effort in our project, creating an atmosphere of genuinely inspiring creativity.

While managing various commitments, Hung-Yin's focus on our collaboration has been commendable. Her extraordinary skills and passion for her craft shine through, leaving us eager to experience the musical masterpiece that will surely result from her dedication and brilliance.

Hung-Yin has crafted over 30 melodies for our Alchemelic project, showcasing her versatility and depth as a composer. We are excited to share that we will be working on N40 versions of all the melodies she created for the N20, further expanding and enhancing the musical landscape of Alchemelic.

This collaboration has been an absolute honor, and we can't wait to witness the musical magic that will come to life in Alchemelic. In conclusion, thank you to Hung-Yin Liu for choosing to collaborate with us. The experience has been unique, and we are genuinely excited about the extraordinary musical journey we are embarking on together.

Warm regards,

Kim & Bendix YouTube video placeholder
將科技融入古典工藝之中: 有質感的智慧音樂盒

從小就喜歡音樂盒! 看過大大小小不同的設計,第一次聽到可以連續播放不同音樂的音樂盒 立刻被吸引。實際看到圓潤小巧的N20, 聲音清脆透亮,且竟然可以用手機連線編曲,甚至可以設定早起晨喚音樂... 有點不敢相信小小的它是如此的內外兼具! 一位外國同事最近生日且當了爺爺(人生第一次),想送他一份特別的禮物感謝他對晚輩的照顧,當時設定 希望是有質感、能夠代表台灣且Made in Taiwan的禮品,但一直找不到合適的。後來無意間又看到了N20,可以客製化雷雕祝福的話放在音樂盒上,且音樂盒的聲音很舒服,應該適合拿來播放搖籃曲吧,所以立刻就下訂了! 但由於距離同事離開台灣的時間只有五天了,下單之後非常擔心 無法即時收到 並親手把禮物交到同事手中... 和Muro Box的客服溝通雷雕字型和期望收到的時間,整個過程感覺非常的細心又有效率,最後順利在下單後的第三天就收到掛號寄送過來的音樂盒。開箱確認音樂盒,發現包裝細心,而最讓人感動的是: 裡面附上兩張蔡小姐親手寫的中英文卡片,表達祝福並寫上使用說明或詢問操作問題的連結 ( 其實在收到音樂盒之前,我已經收到客服透過line發給我的中英文線上使用教學說明的連結 以及許多相關問題的答覆) 當同事拿到音樂盒的那一刻: 感動之情溢於言表,而他對音樂盒的喜愛和讚嘆,讓我開心的覺得,這禮真的是送到心坎裡啦! 因為是台灣研發設計製造的,傾刻間我也覺得與有榮焉呢! 這樣優質的產品、用心又有效率的服務,真的讓人印象深刻啊!

Eine wunderschöne Spieldose der Extraklasse!

Das Murobox N20 hat mich durch seine gelungene Verbindung von modernem Design und beeindruckender Klangqualität überzeugt. Die automatische Notenerzeugung macht das Musizieren unkompliziert und spassig, während die robuste Verarbeitung des Produkts einen hochwertigen Eindruck hinterlässt. Mit seinen vielfältigen Funktionen eignet sich das N20 ideal für Musikliebhaber, die auf der Suche nach einem zuverlässigen und ansprechenden Musikgerät sind. Insgesamt ein gelungenes Produkt, das durch Qualität und Funktionalität überzeugt.

Ich möchte es nicht mehr missen wollen <3

組裝 獨一無二的 Muro Box

來這裡, 你可以感受到整個團隊跟你一樣




感謝 Muro Box 專業有溫度的團隊,

N20-RB - 標準版音樂盒專用共鳴箱

Engravings are the perfect finishing touch to personalize your Muro Box

I had both engravings (on the metal plate and wooden box) for my proposal to my then-girlfriend (now fiancée). The engravings were spectacular and the process was fast and easy - I recommend it wholeheartedly without any reservations. If you're on the fence about it, I would say: go for it. Every Muro Box is a special gift and a work of art, playing the tunes that are close to your heart. Having a customized engraving is the finishing touch that completes that vision, and I am so glad to have had it. It sparks joy every time I look at it!

The process was simple and the customer support superb. I tried two different ways of supplying the design. For the metal plate engraving, I sent a vector image of my design and Shiao-Chen not only understood it, but suggested an improvement to my design - no further iteration was necessary. I used both English & Chinese. For the wood engraving, I gave them the text (a short Bible verse) and described how I wanted it, and then I did a little back-and-forth iteration (with Shiao-Chen sending me previews at each step.

If you want someone to help you realize your design, they're great at doing it — and if you are able to supply them your design in Illustrator/JPG/PNG, that makes things even quicker. Tip: for those without Adobe Illustrator, you can try making your design in Powerpoint/Keynote, saving as PDF and rename the .PDF to .AI. PDFs do open in Illustrator.

Working with this company was a joy. I had never experienced this level of care and service from a company, and was pleasantly surprised at how involved the company CEO is in day-to-day operations. For many companies, customer service is an afterthought; but the Muro Box team wins over the hearts of its customers with their care and thoughtfulness. Shiao-Chen even wrote a sweet congratulatory card to my fiancée and I.

Dream realized: a marriage proposal in song

I count it a blessing to work with Ms. Liu Hung Yin to arrange two songs for my marriage proposal. I can vouch for everything Prof. Lee Smith said in his review ("outrageous fortune to work with Ms. Liu") – he was not exaggerating one whit about her ability. Like Prof. Lee Smith, I too thought that my requests were impossible. Like him, I was astonished with the results.

If you have a song in mind, I am pretty certain that Ms. Liu will be able to make it sound great on the Muro Box. And, it will sound better than you imagined. She's not exaggerating when she talks about customers letting her know how they were all in tears — she is really that good. She is not just an arranger – her real business is in making dreams come true.

My story: my fiancée and I love music and singing, and I decided to sing my sentiments to her in song instead of having a long wedding speech. I asked Ms. Liu to arrange the song (In A Crowd of Thousands) to accompany my singing. Her arrangement came out better than I had ever imagined. I then asked her to arrange a second song (一生守候), and her arrangement tugged at my heartstrings and giving me chills (the good kind) when I listened to it. I was deeply moved by it and can listen to it over and over.

Although the Muro Box does not support changing tempo mid-song, she was able to make the rhythm and timing close to the original song I supplied, which was critical to using it as accompaniment.

Technical bits: The N20 does not have flats and sharps in its note range. Half of my songs sounded great on it with just a simple transpose / key change (done easily with software), but my attempts at two songs did not sound good because of their use of flats and sharps.

Tips for others: importing a (transposed) MIDI is a good start and works for a number of songs. MBM (Music Box Maniacs) also has a lot of melodies that are good starting points (though often not the full song). But when that fails, or when you want something for a special occasion - know that Ms. Liu has your back.

Thank you Hung Yin again for helping me to make my dream a reality :)

智慧音樂盒Muro Box-N20標準版 | 用音樂盒演奏你的專屬回憶


女兒20歲了,想選一份有意義的生日禮物送給她。挑選了三個多月,最終選擇了Muro Box音樂盒,這音樂盒圓滿了她小時候的心願~一個可以”唱”很多歌的音樂盒。
當然,對我女兒而言這真正是一個滿分的生日禮物,除了父親的疼愛還有整個Muro Box團隊的溫馨祝福。

我好喜歡Muro box!!



整個體驗很讚也讓我很驚喜Muro Box的編曲呈現,我點了一首對自己很有意義的「I'm yours」,老師現場彈奏從音樂盒出來的聲音完全不一樣,原來這首歌可以這樣被演繹。

幸福山丘這個地點也是很搭配Muro Box帶來的氛圍:舒服放鬆美好❤️,感謝這次的體驗分享,居然主辦方還提供飲料!!!

希望未來有更多有意思的編曲可以從Muro Box聽到~



What a pleasure

Beautiful instrument. Safe payment. Fast shipping. No problems.





Extremely helpful customer service.

I needed it shipped before Christmas and it came earlier that expected. Such beautiful workmanship. My som absolutely loves it! It is so beautiful and sounds wonderful! Thank you😊