Muro Box is in Soundmit 2022 @Torino, Italy!

Muro Box is in #soundmit 2022 @Torino, Italy!

Muro Box is in #soundmit 2022 @Torino, Italy!
Our French friend, Christophe Duquesne, has brought his Muro Box and the beautifully crafted resonance boxes he made to exhibit in #soundmit.

Christophe Duquesne, from La Voix du Luthier, is an instrument maker, sound-designer and musician, and of course a long-time music box lover!

He loves to associate acoustic and electronic sounds, merging skills from the past and the most recent technologies.

Read his user story and listen to the sound of Muro Box on his Onde resonance box:

Thanks to Christophe, we can see Muro Box traveling to many cities to meet more midi fans. If you have time to visit his booth, please help us express our thank to Christophe!

Picture of Muro Box Global

Muro Box Global

We invented the music box that can play your own memories. We hope the music box will become each family’s heirloom to preserve their own unique memories.

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