Thank My Wife with the Music Box for Her Warm Support in My Startup Journey (Taiwan)


Uncle One received his master’s degree in Drama Therapy from New Year University.
Uncle One’s wife is an airy artist like a fairy in children’s books, and her personal belongings present her taste in valuing a product’s quality and uniqueness more than the famous brand names. “It is better to show a special artist’s taste!” Uncle One said.

Recommended by a friend, Uncle One found the Muro Box, a mechanical music box playing their song, so he decided to buy it for his wife as his wedding gift.

After receiving the product to check its quality carefully, Uncle One makes sure that its quality can match his wife’s collection.

The customized melody arrangement service requested by Uncle One is the song called “Have a Nice Day” sung by Waa Wei.
This sweet melody is the “music on hold” set by his wife, and whenever Uncle One calls her, he will hear this sweet melody first and think of his wife’s tenderness and persistence.

In the early stage of Uncle One’s startup journey, there were many challenges that made him sleepless. Thanks to his wife’s companionship and patience in listening to his troubles, he could finally conquer those challenges step by step.

Uncle One said, “Whenever I call her, I always look forward to hearing this sweet melody. This joyful melody makes me want to dance, recalls our dating memories, and how she supported me to go through those frustrations. This melody is just like her who always brings people love, warmth, and care.”

“Thanks to the Muro Box, I can keep such a lovely melody with me and present it in my favorite format in order to share my memory with my beloved wife.”
Read Uncle One’s full story to listen to two of his favorite melodies playing by the Muro Box:
1. Have a Nice Day
2. Castle in the Sky (天空の城ラピュタ)……/thank-my-wife-with-the……/

Picture of Muro Box Global

Muro Box Global

We invented the music box that can play your own memories. We hope the music box will become each family’s heirloom to preserve their own unique memories.

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