Just one click, Muro Box will play thousands of melodies from your cloud library.

Create your favorite melodies with Muro Box(programmable music box) APP

Compose Your Music

Our app allows you to create a new melody with just a few clicks. You can create a new song by doodling or following a music sheet to enter its notation in our app. 

Edit Your Playlists

You can upload unlimited melodies to our cloud library and create your own playlists for different occasions in your life!

Offline playlist: Play your favorite melodies in one playlist without using the app! Just push the knob of the Muro Box and it will start playing music right away!

programmable music box Muro Box - The Only App-Controlled Music Box in the World
The close shot of programmable music box Muro Box

Free Music Collections

We collaborate with the world’s largest online music box melody community: Music Box Maniacs (MBM). You can export the melodies from MBM to our app by scanning the QR code! 

Now, one Muro Box can play unlimited classical and modern melodies to recall memories from different eras!

Schedule Playtime

Let’s set up a morning call playlist with your favorite melodies to start a wonderful day!

You call also create a good-night playlist for your kids to get ready for bedtime stories!

programmable music box Muro Box with smart alarm function
programmable music box Muro Box with Wi-Fi remote control function

Wi-Fi Remote Control

Want to surprise your loved one ?

We let you control the music box to play the right melody at the right time even when you are far away from the music box. The app user and the music box can stay in different sites and connecting to different Wi-Fi sources. All you need to do is as follows:

1. Create your playlist in our app.
2. Schedule the playtime of this playlist.
3. When time’s up, the music box will play your playlist.

Attention: The music box needs to stay plugged in power and connected with Wi-Fi.

The Only App-Controlled Music Box in the World

Download our app to listen to the famous melodies shared by our global users and revoke memories from different eras!
The icon of Muro Box(programmable music box) APP

Muro Box

How to Use the Muro Box?

In our FAQ page, we provide a series of tutorial videos to walk you through all of its settings on the app and even show you how to play music offline. We also gives you the key information to consider when composing your own Muro Box melodies.