Muro Box N40 is the advanced model of Muro Box, whose prototypes have been developed and discussed since 2022. The Muro Box team is willing to collect existing and prospective customers’ feedback for designing it.

Read more about the article Our Kickstarter Campaign launched on 10/26 is 100% Funded in the first 2 hours!
感謝各位的支持,N40挖貝專案在中午12點開賣,約四個小時後突破100%!全體Muro Box 團隊向各位致上最深的謝意。

Our Kickstarter Campaign launched on 10/26 is 100% Funded in the first 2 hours!

Our Kickstarter Campaign launched on 10/26 is 100% Funded in the first 2 hours! Thank you very much for all of our backers’ super early support!We will do our best…

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Read more about the article 1 Days Before N40 Kickstarter Campaign Starts On 10/26 At 12pm (EST)(UTC:-4:00)!
Muro Box-N40 終於要上線了。 目前除了主影片尚未上架留著驚喜給您,其他專案頁面已經可以搶先預覽,歡迎點閱後告訴我們你的建議。

1 Days Before N40 Kickstarter Campaign Starts On 10/26 At 12pm (EST)(UTC:-4:00)!

Dear all,I am Dr. Chen-Hsiang Feng, the inventor of Muro Box. After overcoming numerous challenges, our latest models, the N40 Sublime and N40 Standard, are finally ready to launch on…

Continue Reading1 Days Before N40 Kickstarter Campaign Starts On 10/26 At 12pm (EST)(UTC:-4:00)!
Read more about the article 4 Days before N40 Kickstarter Campaign Starts on 10/26 at 12pm (EST)(UTC:-4:00)!

4 Days before N40 Kickstarter Campaign Starts on 10/26 at 12pm (EST)(UTC:-4:00)!

4 Days before N40 Kickstarter Campaign Starts on 10/26 at 12pm (EST)(UTC:-4:00)!Day 1 special deal will be the best deal for you no matter which model of Muro Box you…

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Read more about the article 7 Days before N40 Kickstarter Campaign Starts on 10/26 at 12pm (EST)(UTC-4:00)!
N40雙機種超早鳥價格,限時24HR開賣首日就下單最划算!期間快閃 50台 超優惠 N20 Lite,把握購買3倍券的最後機會!歡迎參與這趟N40的研發之旅一起迎向音樂盒的全新篇章。

7 Days before N40 Kickstarter Campaign Starts on 10/26 at 12pm (EST)(UTC-4:00)!

7 Days before N40 Kickstarter Campaign Starts on 10/26 at 12pm (EST)(UTC-4:00)!Flash sale! 50 units of N20 Lite for 299 USD each! It will be a great Christmas gift for…

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Read more about the article Muro Box-N40 | Comparing the Sound of Sublime vs. Standard with “My Grandfather’s Clock”
Muro Box是全球首創的智慧音樂盒,它的英文名字來自英文縮寫:Music Robot in a Box (用程式控制演奏音樂盒音樂的機器人)。Muro Box 是世界上首款可播放無限歌曲的音樂盒。它是你專屬的鋼琴師,隨時演奏您喜歡的歌曲!

Muro Box-N40 | Comparing the Sound of Sublime vs. Standard with “My Grandfather’s Clock”

Let’s Hear the Difference between N40 Sublime vs. N40 Standard by listening to this video carefully! Let us know whether you love to have the “Sublime Harmony” effect that is…

Continue ReadingMuro Box-N40 | Comparing the Sound of Sublime vs. Standard with “My Grandfather’s Clock”
Read more about the article 【The Design Secrets of N40 Sublime】
Muro Box【穆風】的設計細節大公開! 4片音梳復刻高級古董音樂盒的共鳴效果,造成的尾韻效果讓人回味無窮,快來了解更多N40的音梳細節,觀賞我們實際收音N40穆風演奏影片。

【The Design Secrets of N40 Sublime】

【The Design Secrets of N40 Sublime】The resonance effect produced by the replication of four combs in this high-end antique music box creates a lingering and unforgettable reverberation. Did you know…

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