Muro Box-N40 | Comparing the Sound of Sublime vs. Standard with “My Grandfather’s Clock”

Muro Box是全球首創的智慧音樂盒,它的英文名字來自英文縮寫:Music Robot in a Box (用程式控制演奏音樂盒音樂的機器人)。Muro Box 是世界上首款可播放無限歌曲的音樂盒。它是你專屬的鋼琴師,隨時演奏您喜歡的歌曲!

Let’s Hear the Difference between N40 Sublime vs. N40 Standard by listening to this video carefully!
Let us know whether you love to have the “Sublime Harmony” effect that is the unique feature of N40 Sublime, or you prefer to keep its sustaining sound effect as clean as our N20 standard version.
Welcome to read more about the unique comb design of N40 Sublime to discover its secrets:
Want to compare the two N40 models with more melodies? Go to watch our live stream video and start controlling the two models with our free app:

Muro Box is the world’s first app-controlled mechanical music box that can play unlimited melodies you love. It will be your personal pianist to play the songs you love at your command.
Check out Kickstarter Campaign page:
【N40 Sublime】: 4 vibration plates to form the sublime harmony effect.
【N40 Standard】: Connect with your MIDI keyboard/Laptop to compose music easily.
【N20 Lite Battery Version】: Press the knob to start playing all of your favorite songs; Easy to use at any place you go.
Picture of Muro Box Global

Muro Box Global

We invented the music box that can play your own memories. We hope the music box will become each family’s heirloom to preserve their own unique memories.

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