Search Studio Ghibli’s Music in Our App to Make The Muro Box (Music Box) Play for You! 

Which song can heal your heart when breaking up? What melody can bring you peace of mind when feeling upset?

Studio Ghibli’s music is many people’s first choice according to our app’s view time counting. It is one of the popular playlists in our app now!

We asked Ms. Wu: “Why did you collect so many representative melodies from Studio Ghibli to share this playlist?” She said, “Those melodies are suitable for me to listen to when I feel calm or want to calm down.”

We also found that many customers will recall the beautiful and colorful movie scenes when listening to Studio Ghibli’s melodies playing from the Muro Box.

For example, Mr. J told us why he especially loved the melody “Castle in the Sky” because it involved the elements that a boy would love: prince, machine, and legend. Hence, its movie has left a strong impression on him and its theme music also became the healing music when his girlfriend just left him.

When Mr. J was losing confidence in this stage of life, his friend invited him to study together on weekends. Later, he gradually found his career interest in the field of data security in IT.

Mr. J said, “My life was rescued by Studio Ghibli’s music” because it helped him concentrate on studying data security programming and even become an expert in this field for his career development.

Mr. J described the advantage of listening to Studio Ghibli music is that “ For me, words cannot express my feeling as closely as melodies, because words tend to express too much and too obviously, while pure music box music with some colors presented in the animation scenes can better express my feeling.”

Do you also have some must-listen melodies produced by Studio Ghibli?
Welcome to search the melody/animation title in our app to make the Muro Box (music box) play for you!

Check out how you can remotely control a Muro box to play the melodies you selected from our app:


Picture of Muro Box Global

Muro Box Global

We invented the music box that can play your own memories. We hope the music box will become each family’s heirloom to preserve their own unique memories.

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