Muro Box N40 Update #10--
The N40 prototype in the live stream/App Update for N40 functions
This update brings you 3 exciting news!
1. Let’s play the Muro Box-N40 prototype now!24HR opens no matter where you are, you can watch its live performance!
2.Check the latest Muro Box App update (iOS: 1.0.41; Android: 1.1.45) to start editing your N40 melodies! N40 has a chromatic scale: F3~C7 (no F#3, G#3, A#3, C#3)!
3.The Kickstarter campaign’s pre-launch voucher is now available for order via our store. You pay 30 USD now in our store, we will waive your DHL shipping fee (about 90 USD) for 1 N40 model or 1 N20 Lite Battery Version!
1. Let’s play the Muro Box-N40 prototype now!
At the beginning of the month, we just completed the first prototype of the N40 Sublime and the N40 Standard. Let’s enjoy its performance together!
24HR opens no matter where you are, you can watch its live performance!
Do you want to hear the N40 playing melodies with flats and sharps? Want to hear the warm and mellow sound echoing in the air? Curious about the difference of sound effects between N 40 Sublime version vs. N40 Standard?
Many customers have tested playing the Muro Box-N20 before they decided to purchase it. We are confident that you will be surprised to see the live performance of Muro Box-N40, too!
Try Muro Box Online
1. Download our FREE app “Muro Box” from App Store or Google Play.
2. Login the App with Account and Password shown in the Live Stream.
3. Remember to turn on your speaker from the screen of the live stream window. Check out thousands of melodies shared by our global music box community.
** To get the best experience, use a desktop or second phone to watch the live stream video when your mobile is operating the Muro Box app.
The N40 prototype in the live stream is our very first prototype, so if you find any flaw in its sound, we still can improve it before official shipping to our customers.
Muro Box-N40 | Comparing the Sound of Sublime vs. Standard with "My Grandfather's Clock"
想要現場試玩?想聽聽看麥克風無法擷取的重低音震動效果?歡迎來我們的三重辦公室,這裡備有 N40穆風、N40標準版。
2. Check the latest Muro Box App update
iOS: 1.0.41; Android: 1.1.45
We want to thank the following customers who have uploaded their N40 melodies in the first week when this app update was just released, and they give us extra feedback/support in developing the N40!
Page 2 Stage: Being the first user uploading the very first N40 melody and bringing a black N20 to a big charity event to rock more people!
Hanneke Debbie: Expert in Music Box Maniacs (MBM) and very knowledgeable in large mechanical music boxes who helped us reach out to music box museum staff!
Chen Yen-Ting: He has contributed 100+ N20 melodies in our app, and his new N40 melodies include famous songs from movies/musicals as well as old English songs.
Please take a moment to write a comment to any melody shared by these creators in our Muro Box app to thank them for their effort in making great melodies for enriching our music library!

3. N20 Lite Battery Ver. Needs Your Opinion!
In addition to the 2 Muro Box-N40 models (Sublime vs. Standard), we will also introduce a battery version for N20 Lite in the same Kickstarter campaign!

We found the empty space on top of the N20 Lite Battery version can add more decoration or new functions. The above are the ideas we have thought of.
Welcome to read more about the N20 Lite Battery version from this page and submit your suggestion for how to utilize the empty space of this model in the form in this page.
4. Join the Our Listening Events in Person in Taiwan:
The following are the dates and locations for our N40 Sublime and N40 Standard prototypes to be presented for visitors to test playing them in person. If you want to attend any of the events below, please email us:
Taichung City:Maker Faire at Feng Chia University Gymnasium (2023/10/14 Saturday~2023/10/15 Sunday, 9:30-17:00)
Tainan City: Lecture + Listening Event at Nanxin Junior High School (2023/11/04, Saturday morning).
Taipei City: Lecture + Listening Event at the National Central Library – Multimedia Creative Experimentation Center: Open Lab (2023/11/11, Saturday afternoon).
If you live in Taipei City or New Taipei City, welcome to schedule your visit to our office located in New Taipei City to test playing the Muro Box products in person. Both work days and weekends are open for making appointments!
If you know of any locations in Hsinchu city or Kaohsiung city where we can hold Muro Box lectures and listening events during our crowdfunding campaign period (late October to late November in 2023), please assist us by recommending suitable sites for us!

Muro Box-N40 Kickstarter 100% Funded in the first 2 hours!

Although our Kickstarter campaign has ended on 2023/11/25, you can still support our Indiegogo campaign before April 2024.
We will do our best to refine both hardware and software before shipping starts in April 2024.
When the Muro Box-N40 is shipped to you, you will be as excited as we are when hearing and seeing its live performance!
The Kickstarter campaign’s pre-launch voucher is now available for order via our store!
You pay 30 USD now in our store, we will waive your DHL shipping fee (about 90 USD) for 1 N40 model or 1 N20 Lite Battery Version!