【Muro Box-N40 Update8: Final Survey】
In this update, we summarize the following points:
1. How we select notes for N40
2. the “Sublime Harmony” effect
3. Guitar-Shaped Resonance Box
Please read this update carefully and answer the survey at the end of this update.
It will be our last survey for you to submit your feedback before we show you the final design for Muro Box-N40!
【Maximize the Possibilities w/ 40 Notes】
When selecting the 40 notes, we have taken the following factors into consideration:
-melody and chord arrangement needs
-must include the existing 30-note music box melodies found from MBM (Music Box Maniacs)
-production limitation on the vibration plate (comb)
【Listen to Digital N40 Sound Effects】
We made a digital music box video to show you how to arrange a song, “My Grandfather’s Clock” with low, middle, and high range of N40 notes to create variations in its intro, verses, chorus, bridge, and outro.
【Do you like “Sublime Harmony”?】
The premium music boxes often present a sublime harmony like the “humming sound” echoing several times. This unique sound effect was produced by lowering the cents to make notes slightly out-of-tune. We found its calculation formula and made sample sound files for you to compare different degrees of lowering cents.
【The Guitar-Shaped Resonance Box】
We put a video in this update to let you compare the sound effects of having a regular resonance box vs. a guitar-shaped resonance box.
Let’s read more about this update and submit your feedback for our N40 design: