【The Design Secrets of N40 Sublime】

Muro Box【穆風】的設計細節大公開! 4片音梳復刻高級古董音樂盒的共鳴效果,造成的尾韻效果讓人回味無窮,快來了解更多N40的音梳細節,觀賞我們實際收音N40穆風演奏影片。
【The Design Secrets of N40 Sublime】
The resonance effect produced by the replication of four combs in this high-end antique music box creates a lingering and unforgettable reverberation. Did you know that this kind of music box usually costs more than $3,000USD and can only play limited melodies!
We strived to make Muro Box playing the sublime harmony and lower the price threshold for music box lovers to own it, so in its development stage, we invested a lot of effort in the comb design for the N40 Sublime model.
This N40 update will answer all of the questions you have for N40 Sublime:
✦Is it better to use 1 piece of 40-note comb or to use 2 pieces of 20-note note combs?
✦Why are there 80 notes in the N40 Sublime’s 4 combs?
✦Why are there 2 combs installed upside down in N40 Sublime?
✦How are the 40 notes arranged on the 4 combs?
✦What is the speed limit and durability of the Muro Box comb?
Our Kickstarter campaign is coming soon in the week of Oct.19, 2023!
Get your pre-launch voucher by paying 30USD now to buy 1 voucher can waive your DHL shipping fee 90USD for 1 unit of Muro Box-N40 or 1 unit of Muro Box-N20Lite Battery version.
We will close the voucher page before the Kickstarter campaign starts!
Picture of Muro Box Global

Muro Box Global

We invented the music box that can play your own memories. We hope the music box will become each family’s heirloom to preserve their own unique memories.

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