荷蘭自動音樂協會成員特地錄影感謝Muro Box團隊(荷蘭)

Joeri van Rhijn


Dear Muro Box team,
SO HAPPY I’m with your Muro Box! Today, at my day off, the Muro Box was delivered! It was very well packed.

I played several pieces of the Muro Box it’s memory, tested with a keyboard and my phone.
It’s also an aesthetic beauty of technic.

I can experience the dedication and love of making this special instrument. I’m proud of you! Thank you very much!

After a while I will sent you my feed back of using the Muro Box.

Much Love,

Joeri van Rhijn of The Netherlands
Email sent on 2021/11/02

Muro Box 團隊您好,
我今天剛收到音樂盒,很高興現在它終於在我手上了! 正好我今天休假,快遞送來這個小心包裹好的Muro Box真讓我開心!
我剛試聽了一些Muro Box預設在機台內的歌曲很好聽,也有試用我的MIDI鍵盤與手機輸入樂曲演奏。

從Muro Box,我可以感受到你們團隊在製作這個特殊樂器熱情與努力,我以你們為榮!
感謝你們在Muro Box上的付出,等我用一段時間之後,我再分享使用建議給你們。

來自荷蘭的Joeri van Rhijn 

以下是 Joeri分享給我們的故事與影片!

I’m a member of the Dutch Pianola Association ( https://www.pianolavereniging.nl/ ).
There was an article of the Muro Box, and I decided almost directly to order this, because I love people who makes the World better with positive things (technic) and energy. 

I made the following video to record the sound of the Muro Box playing my customized melody, “Te Deum of Charpentier ,” and my words to thank the Muro Box team. 

我是荷蘭的自動演奏鋼琴協會 ( https://www.pianolavereniging.nl/ )的社員,有一天發現我們協會網站上有一篇關於Muro Box的報導,看完之後我就馬上心動想去Indiegogo群募網站上買一台了,因為我喜歡用科技與創新能量來讓世界更好的發明。

以下是我自己錄的影片呈現了Muro Box演奏我的專屬歌曲 “Te Deum of Charpentier”,還有我想感謝Muro Box團隊的話。

In the first time, I asked for a piece of music of Scott Joplin played from a pianola. That is for the Muro Box technical not executable. Then I was thinking of the music I liked (and still like it) in my youth. 

With international broadcasting on TV often the music of ‘Te Deum’ from Marc-Antoine Charpentier (https://www.wikiwand.com/nl/Marc-Antoine_Charpentier), a French composer in the time of Ludwig XIV, was played. I liked it very much.

This was played by the famous trumpet player Adolf Scherbaum (https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Adolf_Scherbaum).

He had also contact with the trumpet players Maurice André (I was on a concert of him one time) and Ludwig Güttler (I visited his concerts a lot of times).


起初我想訂購的客製化編曲因為機構半音限制無法演奏,所以我改選了一首歌曲:Te Deum,這首歌曲是知名交響樂團內的喇叭樂手Marc-Antoine Charpentier的曲子,我從年輕時候當時常聽國外電台演奏他的樂曲,在當時Ludwig XIV時期是由法國作曲人演奏它,至今我還是很喜歡這首樂曲。這首歌現在還有其他知名喇叭手Adolf Scherbaum吹奏它 (https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Adolf_Scherbaum)。Adolf Scherbaum與其他知名喇叭樂手有跟我在同一場音樂會上出席,我常去聽Ludwig Güttler的演奏會。